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51. Research course for people with learning disabilities

Written by Andrea Bruun, Research Associate, Kingston University.

We have talked a lot about how important it is to have people with a learning disability as part of the research team. In our team, we have four researchers with a learning disability, and they are all brilliant at their research jobs! How did they become so good at doing university research? Well actually, three out of our four researchers completed a research course for people with learning disabilities. “Is there a research course for people with a learning disability?” you may ask; and indeed there is, or was, back in 2019.

In 2019, Irene Tuffrey-Wijne and Claire Lam ran a research course for people with a learning disability at St. George’s Hospital. 10 people completed the course, and you can read more about it in this blog, in this research paper, or see this video.

We are now running the course again in 2024!

Details about the 2024 course can be found here:

  • We have 10 free spaces

  • Teaching for 8 weeks between 11 April and 13 June 2024 (except 9 and 16 May)

  • The sessions take place on Thursday afternoons

  • Deadline for applications is on 28 February 2024

Contact me, Andrea, on if you have any questions about the course.

Here is an information video that can be shared with anyone who might be interested in joining the 2024 course:

This course was one of the reasons that our three researchers got their job - we knew that they had some of the research skills needed for a research job.

You never know where a research course certificate may get you. Go for it!


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