Written by Andrea Bruun, Research Associate, Kingston University.
We know we have been quiet and we are very sorry! But we have been busy saying goodbye to our office at St. George's hospital and moving to our new space in the Kingston forest.
We have already shared with you how we have been preparing to move in this blog. Now it was time for packing all our things - everything had to have labels on it and go into boxes. Does that include the researchers as well? We were not quite sure..
Last Thursday, all seven of us were in the office together for the very first time - that rarely happens! Actually, that had not happened at all yet with people working on different days and being off. It was great being all together! Our new office is light, big, and has access to a lovely outdoor space - we can even do work outside in the sun now!
It is always nice to bring the whole team together, but there was a special reason for getting everyone to Kingston this time.. The reason was Irene's birthday! So we celebrated with a suprise lunch filled with cards, gifts, flowers, homemade cake, and even a poem. Here we all are in front of the new office.

Our new office is slowly starting to feel like home. On Thursday, we made a washing timeline to remind us where we are at with the project and what we have left to do. We are at the last stage of the project now, and we cannot believe how time is flying! And how much work we have done so far. The timeline is up in the air, making our office look much nicer.

We are going to be working in the office on Thurdays. This means that the blog will now come out on Tuesdays instead - we are simply too busy to be dealing with blogs when we are all together in the office.
Now it is time to change to our email signatures, get the last bits on the walls, and get to know our new place. Oh! And also prepare for our big toolkit testing study, which we have been working on for months. Watch this space!
Bye bye St. George's - and welcome to Kingston!
