Written by Sarah Swindells, Health and Wellbeing Lead at Dimensions and Co-applicant on The Victoria and Stuart Project.

David is part of The Victoria & Stuart Project All Together Group but he also works at Dimensions as Chair of Dimensions Council and as a Quality Consultant.
David is part of the group that is designing a "toolkit" for end-of-life care planning with people with learning disabilities. The toolkit includes:

Approaches for end-of-life care planning with people with learning disabilities.
Resources to support this process (for example pictures, documents or videos).
Training for learning disability support staff to help people with learning disabilities to plan for the end of life.
In this short animation, David reflects on his work in the project so far and what it means to him.
Thank you to David and Michelle Rebello from Dimensions for putting together this animation for us to share during Dying Matters Week.