Written by Andrea Bruun, Research Associate, Kingston University.

Last week, Leon Jordan (one of our researchers with learning disabilities) tried his hand at live-presenting a webinar for the very first time. Did you see it? If you missed it, then you can watch the webinar recording below. I am sure you agree that you would never have guessed that Leon was a novice presenter. He did a wonderful job welcoming delegates, introducing his colleague Amanda Cresswell who helped to present our focus group findings, and answering questions.

There is little point in doing research if it then just gathers dust on a shelf. We need research to make a difference to people’s lives. In an earlier blog, we stressed how important it is to share our research with others – and doing it throughout the project and not only at the end. So how do we do this?
As you are reading this, you already know about two ways: Our project website and our weekly blog. Another way is through webinars. In the webinars, we tell you about about the different parts of the project (co-design and survey, focus groups, co-design [All Together Group], and evaluation). They are held in collaboration with the Palliative Care for People with Learning Disabilities (PCPLD) Network. We recently made a new WEBINAR page on our website, where you can find all our past webinars. Future webinars will be announced on that page as well. So far, we have done two webinars; one to launch the project and one about our focus group findings. You can see our second webinar about our focus groups below.
On Monday 20th March 2023, we invited everyone who was interested to join us for a 45-minute lunchtime webinar – food and drinks allowed. It was a pleasure to share the findings with all of you, and especially to read through your great questions in the chat. More than 300 people attended the webinar, so I think we can deem it a success – we are definitely continuing sharing webinars with you. Thank you to everyone who joined us, and we hope to see you at the next one!
Pssst! The next webinar will be on Tuesday 18th April 2023 from 12.00-12.45 on our scoping review findings: “Looking for guidance and resources to support end-of-life care planning with people with learning disabilities: What we found”. We welcome our colleagues Liz Tilley and Lorna Rouse from Open University to join us. Plus, this time, it will be Richard Keagan-Bull in the hot seat, chairing the webinar alongside Irene Tuffrey-Wijne. Sign up for the webinar here.